About Me

Yes, this is me on a golden toilet. You can’t take life
too seriously - and that’s what makes it fun.

Why I Started This Blog
A friend told me, “You need to share your crazy awesome ideas with the world,” and after hearing that enough times, here we are. This blog is a space where I unleash my love for all things party planning, DIY, and keeping life (mostly) organized. For me, it’s all about making my children feel special, loved, and celebrated. I believe that when kids feel loved, they grow up to make the world a better place. But let’s be real—there’s a lot of glitter and a little bit of chaos involved.

Party Planning: My Superpower
When I’m planning a party, I always imagine it from the guests’ perspective, and of course, the person we’re celebrating. I’m all about creating the kind of experience where people leave thinking, “Wow, that was fun!” My process? I immerse myself in the theme (like, REALLY dive in) and focus on the tiny details that tie everything together. Think Pinterest-worthy, but with less stress and more fun.

What Keeps Me Going
My family is my "why"—everything I do is for them. When I’m not crafting or party planning, I’m volunteering for causes that support children's education and women’s empowerment, advocating for women in tech, or getting lost in a New York Times crossword (because who doesn’t love a good puzzle?). I also have a serious passion for learning new languages and, of course, traveling. You’ll catch me dreaming up the next trip while crafting the perfect book nook!

Let’s Get Crafty
If you’re here, I hope you leave feeling inspired to create something awesome for your loved ones. Whether you’re looking for a unique party theme, an organizing hack, or a DIY project that’ll make your friends go, “How did you even think of that?!”, I’ve got you covered. And hey, even if my ideas aren’t exactly your style, I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions because this space is all about creativity and fun for everyone.

Join me in making life a little more creative